Saturday, July 3, 2010

I just discovered the amazing photography of Karl Blossfeldt. Apparently he's quite famous and was the bee's knees when he published the first collection of his photography in the late 20's. I'm all over this art scene.

Anyhow, his startling originality inspired me to rip him off, so here you go. I'm just a bit put out that other people have been ripping him off for 90 years and I'm late to the party.

Bonus picture

Topic: Pigeons are neither poultry, nor would I term their existence "living". Discuss amongst yourselves.

About Me

My photo
I'm from Santa Clara, CA and currently live in...Santa Clara, CA. You can call me Forrest Gump. Cameras: Olympus E-620, Canon A590IS. Lenses: Zuiko ED 14-42mm f3.5-5.6, Zuiko ED 50mm f2.0, Zuiko ED 70-300mm f4.0-5.6. This site is made to look good in 1680*1050 resolution. If the images are too large, F11 toggles full-screen in most browsers.